The aim of R&D innovAction is to identify innovative solutions to improve the competitive advantages of its customers in terms of compliance with technical and economic sustainability. In particular, it carries out research, development, industrialization and commercialization of innovative products and services at high technological content, mainly in the field of Materials, Process, Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Environment. The activities are carried out both on specific customer needs and on direct initiative of R&D innovAction...
The aim of R&D innovAction is to identify innovative solutions to improve the competitive advantages of its customers in terms of compliance with technical and economic sustainability. In particular, it carries out research, development, industrialization and commercialization of innovative products and services at high technological content, mainly in the field of Materials, Process, Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Environment. The activities are carried out both on specific customer needs and on direct initiative of R&D innovAction. The company can support its customers through single parts or the whole development phase according to the following scheme:
Activities are carried out through the support of human resources having high competences and capabilities in specific fields, cooperation with international specialized laboratories equipped with the most advanced infrastructures, and a network of partners on a global scale.
The People
Franco Peruzzotti
Franco Peruzzotti has worked more than 22 years in one of the largest Company in Wire&Cable and Tyres covering different positions:
- as Responsible for Research & Development of Materials for Power and Telecommunication Cables, coordinating the activities of the different R&D centers in each country where the Group is active,
- as Executive Materials Manager for the Corporate Research Centre of the Group focusing on innovative Product and Process in different sectors, such as: Cables, Tires, Telecommunication, Environment and Building
In 2007 Franco. Peruzzotti founded R&D innovAction Company, based in Milan, where he is currently leading technical and commercial development of innovative solutions in different fields.